The implementation of new projects and initiatives in the field of the blue economy requires in most cases the attraction of external funding to enable them to be carried out.

This section lists those entities that may potentially be interested in investing on the main capabilities, technologies and/or research results within the scope of the Blue Economy of Atlantic Space.

Through this directory, descriptive information on these investment entities can be accessed.

Who finances projects and technologies in the Blue Economy?


Sociedad Gestora de sociedades y fondos de capital riesgo de la Xunta de Galicia, the instruments it manages are:

Sodiga Galicia Sociedad de Capital Riesgo, S. A.: accompanies investment projects in consolidated companies or strategic sectors in Galicia with high growth potential. These are large investments.
Galicia Compete, FICC: business projects, in all types of sectors, newly created or consolidated. Internationalisation projects, technology-based projects, etc. The financial support is of average amount.
Galicia Innova Tech, FICC: accompanies projects with a markedly innovative character of technological companies, in the expansion and consolidation phase.
Galicia Iniciativas Emprendedoras, FICC: accompanies the start-up of new projects by new or recently created companies (start up).

Coastal Tourism

The coastal and maritime tourism sector has been identified as an area with special potential to foster a smart, sustainable and inclusive Europe. It is the biggest maritime sector in terms of gross value added and employment and, according to the Blue Growth Study is expected to grow by 2-3% by 2020. In 2012, Cruise tourism alone represents 330,000 jobs and a direct turnover of €15.5 billion and is expected to grow.

Marine Biotechnology

Blue biotechnology is concerned with the exploration and exploitation of the resulting diverse marine organisms in order to develop new products.


Concerted action from the EU at this early stage joins up the efforts of EU countries in order to provide critical mass and hence stimulate growth and facilitate access to competitive niche markets whilst avoiding risks to the marine environment.

Ocean Energy

Ocean energy technologies are currently being developed to exploit the potential of tides and waves as well as differences in temperature and salinity.


The development of this emerging sector would not only help us to achieve our renewable energy and greenhouse gas reduction targets, but it could fuel economic growth through innovation and create new, high-quality jobs.

Seabed Mining

The quantity of minerals occupying the ocean floor is potentially large. Seabed mining is concerned with the retrieval of these minerals to ensure security of supply; and fill a gap in the market where either recycling is not possible or adequate, or the burden on terrestrial mines is too great.


Numerous organisations within the EU are presently engaged in seabed mining activities, both as technology providers and as mine operators. The sector, though small, has been identified as having the potential to generate sustainable growth and jobs for future generations.